Today ordinary day. Just like all the others, happens to stand in the middle of the week and well, quite frankly...gets in the way of me getting to my weekend.
Got my new Tokina Ultrawide Lens off of Amazon this past weekend. From what I understand, it will be my "prime" lens as it has one focal length: wide. I plan to explore its full potential this weekend when I am home in Florida. Funny, I cannot think of one thing to take photos of. Maybe I will hit the train station. Amazing place to people watch and listen...even smell. Hotdogs, trains and passengers...all with their own unique journey ahead of them.
My weekend is not a weekend of leisure. Endarterectomy. Say that three times fast. I have been doing just that as my father prepares for his second. It is a pretty crazy procedure performed on a clogged artery. It is dangerous, the prognosis is good and it saves lives. Just another reminder that a healthy diet, exercise and happy life are the prescription to prevent my own Endarterectomy.